Introducing SOSRA, veteran established music intended to connect with service members and enable those who support them to better understand the day to day struggles many of our veterans experience upon the return home. SOSRA is a military acronym used to describe the stages of overcoming combat obstacles.
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Our service members are the best in the world, trained to handle a multitude of diverse situations. But how do you train a person to make the switch back to day to day reality? There is no easy solution, thus SOSRA was born, to provide a relatable connection through one of our most influential sources, music.
Suppress Obscure Secure Reduce Assault
Our service members are the best in the world, trained to handle a multitude of diverse situations. But how do you train a person to make the switch back to day to day reality? There is no easy solution, thus SOSRA was born, to provide a relatable connection through one of our most influential sources, music.